Silvia author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • Diagnosis and treatment of various forms of chronic prostatitis. The main symptoms of the disease, the causes of the disease and drug options for combating prostatitis.
    28 March 2022
  • How to treat prostatitis in men of different ages? Which therapeutic methods are most effective? What are the main points in the fight against the disease? The answers to these and other questions in the article.
    24 March 2022
  • Adenoma is a benign formation, so it does not harm the body: stages and symptoms of prostatitis, methods of treating the disease.
    7 June 2021
  • Preventing prostatitis is the most important preventive measure for men at home.
    15 April 2021
  • Factors Affecting Men That Lead to Prostatitis. How does the disease begin? What if prostatitis is left untreated? Diagnosis. Signs and treatment of chronic prostatitis.
    13 April 2021